Академия зарубежных риелторов
Академия зарубежных риелторов
Международная академия зарубежных риелторов
Академия зарубежных риелторов
Академия зарубежных риелторов
Международная академия зарубежных риелторов
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Академия зарубежных риелторов
You don't have any chats yet.
You can add school-wide chats in the message settings and individual chats in each group’s settings.
All Chats
You have no chats yet.
You can add school-wide chats in message settings and individual chats in each student group's settings.
Select a conversation to start communication
In this section, you can communicate with students through private messages, group chats, and channels. You can create a shared channel and group chat in the School Settings section. Separate chats for student groups can be created in group settings.